NECA’s amazing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle line based on the 1987 cartoon is back with the dynamic duo of Wingnut and Screwloose! These two appeared in one episode as aliens who were creating an invasion army by hypnotizing kids at a military school. Fortunately, Zach, the fifth turtle, helped the Shellbacks foil their nefarious plot. Let’s take a look!
The box is the usual fare for this line with a big open window and cool cartoon art on the front and nice photography on the sides and back, but the first thing that jumped out at me is it is a bit thicker than the usual two-pack box. Wingnut is a bit of a hefty guy with massive wings, so he needs some extra box space.
The set comes with Wingnut and Screwloose figures, a laser rifle, three sets of hands for Wingnut (fist, claw, grip), a flight stand, some comics, and a sticker sheet.
The comics are little sheets of paper you can fold in half to make episode specific comics for your TMNT figures to read. It’s a fun inclusion especially since Zach gets in trouble in the Wingnut episode since the comics fire up his imagination so much that he keeps calling the authorities reporting alien invasions that don’t materialize. The sticker sheet has a wanted poster for one of the Crooked Ninja Turtle gang, a “W” symbol you can add to Wingnut for a more action figure feel, and a secret map for the inside of Splinter’s robe. Fun stuff.
I also love the very convincing way they sculpted how the tiny organic wings are strapped to and enhanced by a cobbled together set of metallic wings. They have a great DIY feel to them with those giant rivets and metal plates. Screwloose also has a pretty wicked expression and I’m impressed that they were able to render that bizarre nose in 3D so well. I don’t know if this is intentional, but I was able to easily swap the hands between the four arms to vary posing a bit.
-Swivel/hinged shoulders, wrists, hips, tail, wings, and ankles
-Ball and socket mid-torso, neck, and head
-Double hinged elbows that swivel at each end
-Hinged knees
-Swivel/hinged shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, wings, and ankles
-Ball and socket head and mid-torso